Are you restless in your head? When you look around do you see stuff everywhere?
It is time to do a big clean up with your stuff
Don’t know how to start?
Check out Marie Kondo with her program Tidying up on netflix This way you can get inspired.
Ask a friend to do a 30 day challenge and do it together
- Throw something away every day for 30 days.
- Grab 4 boxes; 1. To throw away 2. Donate to the salvation army 3. Keep 4. Sell
- With the 3rd box when you are doubting throw it in the keep box and if you haven’t missed it for a half a year you can give it a way anyway.
- A good documentary to watch before you start your challenge: minimalism: A documentary about the important things also on Netflix.
Not that you need to become a minimalist but it does make you think about why you have the stuff you have.
– Throw away Tupperware that is old and missing pieces
– Expired canned and boxed foods
-Old dishtowels
-Chipped plates and bowls
– Old kitchen towels with stains
– Declutter dishware
– Expired creams
– Old toiletries
– Old towels that don’t look fresh even when you washed them
– Old make up
– Earrings that are not complete
– Stained clothes/ clothes with holes
– Old socks, old underwear
– Clothes you don’t wear
Throw away old papers organize your files. Tidy the bookshelves.
Check all your pens if they still work
Quenstions to ask that help: Do I use this item, does it give me joy? Would I miss this item?
By cleaning up your stuff it can lower your stress levels this proven with science.
Getting rid of household clutter makes it easier to find what you need when you need it. It makes your home more functional and easier to maintain.
After 30 days of throwing something away everyday or selling it or give it away see how you feel after the challenge ♥
And buy yourself a big bouquet of flowers when the challenge ended.
~Goodluck and have fun!~
Last tip: Doing it together with a friend is more fun ~ enjoy
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